Doing the work
Once the partnership is formed, Tāmata Hauhā will administer and manage the whole land development operation.
We plant the forest and then maintain it by carrying out pest control, thinning and pruning. Tāmata Hauhā will take care of all administration and paper work, including insurance, the ETS and selling the carbon units.
Tāmata Hauhā has the resources and seedling supply to confidently plant and manage some 75,000 hectares. The initial planting would be predominantly an exotic mix of species, with indigenous plantations occurring around waterways or areas of significant habitat.
Whether for carbon forestry or timber production, the partnership agreement has you providing the land and Tāmata Hauhā providing the finances and carrying the financial risk.

Tāmata Hauhā want to acknowledge that we have shared aspirations to be planting 100% native forestry – as people of the land we connect back to them! However, it should be noted that the returns from exotic forests are up to ten times greater than those from native forests.
That is why Tāmata Hauhā believes if landowners start with exotics and slowly transition to include more natives, they will greatly increase the outcomes of these projects. For example, over a 30-year period, landowners would likely see $24,000 more as returns per hectare from exotic forests than natives. Ensuring the resourcing to invest in our social needs as well as being able to invest in people as outcomes.
It will take time, but in the end the land will be restored for mana whenua with prosperity in tow.
Ko te huarahi roa rawa atu, ko te huarahi tere, ki reira – Often the longest way round is often the quickest way there!

Restoring our land, strengthening our people, investing in our wellbeing