We provide the funding, while you design your outcomes
Tāmata Hauhā provides all the funding and ongoing management while the landowner provides the land and designs their own outcomes.
We see carbon purely as an enabler and will work in genuine partnership with the landowner, supporting you on your pathway. A path that will hopefully highlight complimentary investment and diversity opportunities on the back of the forestry or solar success.
Our partnership with you offers the long-term benefits at no cost to you whilst also creating improved biodiversity outcomes.
Tāmata Hauhā exists to empower family and landowners by providing funding, strategies, advice, and options to develop their land and enhance their current land-use operations.
For carbon forestry, we utilise the Emissions Trading Scheme to generate finance required for land development projects. We see carbon purely as an enabler for where family and landowners will want to go. It is the backbone of what we do, and it provides cashflow needed to make things happen. The return from the carbon investment addresses the issue of lack-of-capital and ‘actually-doing-stuff funding’ for Māori. We see carbon being the backbone needed for things to happen on Māori land. Tāmata Hauhā works closely with landowners to design sustainable forests using both traditional Māori ideology and western practices. Our view is that the forest and all that is contained within it, is the marae of Tāne Mahuta.

Investing in our land is key

Planting a future

A summary of our kaupapa

Restoring our land, strengthening our people, investing in our wellbeing
Mā mātou e whakarite te pūtea, mā koutou e whakarite ā koutou hua
Mā Tāmata Hauhā e whakarite te katoa o te pūtea me ngā mahi whakahaere, ā, mā te kaipupuri whenua e whakarite te whenua me ā rātou ake hua.
Ki a mātou, he āheinga noa te waro, ā, ka pono te rangapūtanga ki ngā kaipupuri whenua me te tautoko i a rātou i tō rātou huarahi. He huarahi e tūmanakohia ana kia āhei te whakamiha i te whakangaotanga me te kanorautanga i runga i te angitutanga o te ngāherehere, o te kōmaru rānei.
Ko tā mātou mahi tahi ki a koe e whai huanga roa me te kore utu ki a koe tae noa ki ngā huanga rerenga rauropi pai ake.
E tū ana a Tāmata Hauhā ki te whakamana i ngā whānau me ngā kaipupuri whenua mā te whakarite pūtea, rautaki, tohutohu me ngā whiringa ki te whakawhanake i ō rātou whenua, ki te whakangako hoki i tō rātou whakamahinga whenua o tēnei wā.
Mō te Ngāherehere Waro, ka whakamahia te Kaupapa Hoko Puha ki te whakatupu pūtea mō ngā kaupapa whakawhanake whenua. He āheinga noa te waro hei whakatutuki i ngā tūmanako o ngā whānau me ngā kaipupuri whenua mō te āpōpō. Koinā te tuarā o ā mātou mahi, ā, ka whiwhi pūtea hei whai i ngā kaupapa. Ko ngā whakahoki i te whakangao waro, e whakakapi ana i te korenga o te moni tōpū, i te tahua whakatupu hoki mō te Māori. E whakapae ana mātou ko te waro te tuarā ki te kōkiri i ngā mahi i runga i te Whenua Māori. Ka āta mahi tahi a Tāmata Hauhā me ngā kaipupuri whenua ki te whakatupu ngāherehere toitū mā te mātauranga Māori, tauiwi hoki. Ki ō mātou whakaaro, ko te ngahere me ngā mea katoa ki roto i a ia ko te marae o Tāne Mahuta.

He mea nui te whakangao ki roto i ō tātou whenua

Ko te whakatō mō te āpōpō

He whakarāpopoto i ā mātou kaupapa

He tāmata whenua, he whakapakari tāngata, he taurikura te otinga atu